Brookfield Village Council (Scottish Charity No: SC006461) is made up of volunteers from the village and, as a charitable body, is responsible for managing the assets owned by the village:
Ownership of the hall is determined by the Constitution and the First Object of this states:
“The Trustees shall hold, maintain and preserve all funds, land and property belonging to the Council, for the benefit of the residents of The Village. In particular they will maintain the village hall and environs, which they own, and the village green and play area, which they also own, so that they can serve the interests of all the residents of the village of Brookfield and especially the young and the old.”
What we do:
• Support village organisations, which are autonomous
• Organise and run social events
• Facilitate external hall hires, which generate much needed income
• Maintain the fabric and environs of the hall
• Ensure the hall remains financially viable
• Comply with charity regulations
- • Chair: Innis Keith
• Secretary/Treasurer: Helen Ostrycharz
• Hall Letting Convenor: Carol Biggin
• Anne Cook (Tennis Club Representative)
• Douglas Drysdale
• Margaret Dundas (Art Club/SWI Representative)
• Margaret Graham (Bowling Club Representative)
• Stuart Harvey
• Richard Heywood
• John Kilian
• Val Kilian
• Ruth Macleod
• David Shan